It is extremely important for your child to be on time for school every morning. The morning route will prepare your child for the day and settle them down for the morning lessons. In order to be on time in the morning do as much as possible the night before. According to, "The Mom Book Goes to School", there are somethings you can do to decrease stress on school mornings:
1. Load the car with the items you and your child need for work or school.
2. Place coats, bags, lunch boxes by the door, so you can grab them easily.
3. Design a shelf, basket, or area in which family members can place items.
4. Check the calendar in case your child needs sneakers for gym or a snack for a field trip.
5. Have your child pick out the clothes to wear the night before or lay out two outfits to choose between .
6. Set clocks ahead by ten minutes to help you stay on time in the morning.
7. Keep breakfast simple. Make hot breakfast items like, pancakes, French toast, and bacon ahead of time and reheat them. Keep muffins, fruit, or granola bars if you are running late.
8. Keep child-sized cups of milk and juice in the refrigerator so your child can get it.
9. If you are a coffee drinker, prepare you coffeemaker and set out mug, cream, and sugar.
10. Make getting dress a game or contest. Who can get completely dress first.
11. Mount an outdoor thermometer where your child child can easily see it, and teach your child how to read it and dress appropriately.
12.Banish TV in the morning to avoid wasting time.